Hello and welcome to DRILLZ.COM

My friend and I decided to make this website so that athletes who wanted to improve at their chosen sport could have access to drillz and information that could help them achieve their goals.

If this is your first time visiting this website, please go to the First Time Visitors Section so you can see what you will need in order to get the most out of this website. We also encourage all of our visitors to sign our Guestbook.

If you have been to this website before, be sure to check what is new in our NEWS Section.

Wether you have a great coach or not, it is important to do drillz in order to improve at your sport. We call doing daily drillz"homework". This name came from the great basketball player Pistol Pete Marivich who did dribbling drillz on his own every night, and he called it "basketball homework".

Without further adew we encourage you to look around and view all the information that we have to offer you about your chosen sport. As of right now, only the basketball drillz are available, but look for the other sports to be added in the near future.

Visit the Drillz.com Team Section to read the biographies of the athletes and computer techies who contributed to this website.

One last thing: if you have any comments, questions, or if you have an idea for a drill, please let us know about it by sending us an email. We are constantly striving to improve our site and the only way we can accomplish this goal is by getting feedback from our visitors.

Michael Kirkpatrick
Sheldon Stewart